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Joint Usage/Research Center

Joint Usage/Research Center Program for Transdisciplinary Collaboration on Viral Research, Stem Cell Science and System Biology

We are pleased to announce our call for applications to Joint Usage/Research Center Programs for FY2024. Please read the Guidelines and submit required forms by no later than 17:00 (JST) on Friday, January 12th, 2024.

FY2024 Application Guidelines

Target Research Areas

  1. Viral Research
  2. Stem Cell Science Research
  3. Biosystems Science Research

Required forms for application

Application of Joint Usage/ Research Center Program(Form 1)
Letter of Consent from Director (Form 2) (Head’s signature required)
Letter of Consent from Supervisor (Form 3) (Only applicable if applicants include graduate or undergraduate students)
(Supervisor’s signature required)

Submitting forms

Applicants are required to submit “Form 1” as a Word and “Form 2” and “Form 3” as a scanned PDF by email to the address shown below. Please indicate “2024 Application for Joint Research (Applicant Name)” in your email subject line.

Submit to:
General Affairs Section, Institute for Life and Medical Sciences, Kyoto University
Replace the * (asterisk) with @ (at mark) when sending an e-mail.

* After we receive your application, we will send you a confirmation email. If, by any chance, the confirmation email does not reach you, please contact us.