ホーム > SEMINAR / EVENT > “骨格筋細胞の機能を評価するin vitroモデル: マイオカイン分泌の証明とサテライト細胞の新たな初代培養法”
“骨格筋細胞の機能を評価するin vitroモデル: マイオカイン分泌の証明とサテライト細胞の新たな初代培養法”
日時: 2020年2月3日 (月)15:30~
場所: 京都大学ウイルス再生研1号館 1階会議室(134)
演者: 古市 泰郎 博士
首都大学東京 ヘルスプロモーションサイエンス学域
演題: “骨格筋細胞の機能を評価するin vitroモデル:


Skeletal muscle is the largest organ, accounting for 40% of the body weight, and has numerous functions, including physical activity, thermogenesis, and metabolic homeostasis, among others. To investigate the novel functions and molecular mechanisms of skeletal muscles, it is essential to perform cell culture experiments.

Skeletal muscle has been recently recognized as a secretory organ that produces bioactive proteins known as myokines. However, there is no evidence demonstrating that these proteins are indeed secreted from skeletal muscle cells. We established an electrical stimulation system for studying cell culture contraction, and demonstrated that IL-6, the best known regulatory myokine, is released during acute muscle contraction via Ca2+ signaling. We performed transcriptome and proteome analyses under such experimental conditions and attempted to discover novel myokines secreted by skeletal muscles.

Skeletal muscles have a remarkable ability to regenerate after injury. Muscle stem cells, termed satellite cells, initiate the myogenic program in response to tissue damage, and repair the damaged myofibers or induce the formation of new myofibers. The functions of these satellite cells are evaluated by primary cell culture experiments using skeletal muscle cells from adult mice. However, contamination by non-muscle cells, including fibroblasts, continues to be an issue. We investigated the compositions of culture solutions for identifying one that would be suitable for the growth of satellite cells, and found that a glucose-free medium enables pure culture of satellite cells and also increases their proliferation. It was observed that glucose restriction increased the self-renewal of the cultured satellite cells, suggesting that the concentration of glucose affects the determination of cell fate. We believe that our experimental models of muscle cell culture will aid further research on skeletal muscles and help uncover the molecular mechanism underlying skeletal muscle plasticity.
[Abstract provided by the speaker; Seminar will be given in English]


主 催: 京都大学ウイルス・再生医科学研究所
世話人: がん・幹細胞シグナル分野 (伊藤貴浩) (TEL:075-751-4809)