2024年11月26日 【ウイルス学の潮流セミナー2024】Enteric viral infections accelerate aging via STING-dependent NF-kB signaling |
日時: | 2024年11月26日(火)16:00~18:00 |
場所: | 京都大学医生研3号館3階セミナー室A (312) 3F Seminar room A (312), Bldg. #3 of Institute for Life and Medical Sciences (LiMe) |
演者: | Prof. Maria Carla Saleh, Ph.D Full Professor, Head of Viruses and RNAi Unit, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France |
演題: | Enteric viral infections accelerate aging via STING-dependent NF-kB signaling |
The intestinal epithelium plays essential roles in defense against orally acquired pathogens. Homeostasis in this tissue is maintained by constant renewal of differentiated epithelial cells by basal levels of intestinal stem cell (ISC) proliferation and differentiation. I will discuss how persistent viral infection reduces lifespan by driving intestinal dysfunction in a manner involving sustained over-proliferation of ISCs. I will show that enteric viral infection accelerates aging by stimulating prolonged activation of inflammatory Sting-Relish signaling, resulting in dysregulation of classical epithelial repair systems and loss of intestinal homeostasis. (開催言語:英語 Language: English)
主催:JSPS 研究拠点形成事業Core-to-Core Program「ウイルスの二面性の理解・活用のための国際研究拠点形成」
世話人:京都大学医生物学研究所 RNAウイルス分野 朝長啓造(Tel:075-751-4034)