ホーム > SEMINAR / EVENT > Theoretical Biology Seminar
Theoretical Biology Seminar
日時: 2019年8月19日(月)13:30~15:00
場所: 京都大学ウイルス再生研2号館 (旧ウイルス研本館)1階 数理生物学分野セミナー室(104)   
演者: Prof. Je-Chiang Tsai Department of Mathematics,
National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
演題: Spreading Waves in a Farmers and Hunter-Gatherers Model of the Neolithic Transition in Europe


The Neolithic transition began the spread of early agriculture throughout Europe through interactions between farmers and hunter-gatherers about 10,000 years ago. Archeological evidence produced by radiocarbon dating indicates that the expanding velocity of farming is roughly constant all over Europe. Theoretical understanding of such evidence has been performed from mathematical modeling viewpoint. However, the expanding velocity determined by existing modeling approaches is faster than the observed velocity. For understanding this difference, we propose a three-component reaction–diffusion system which consists of two different types of farmers (sedentary and migratory) and hunter-gatherers from the viewpoint of the influence of farming technology. Moreover, our results suggest that the reason for the slowdown of the Neolithic transition might be related to the increase in the development of farming technology.

(言語:英語 Language: English)


主催 京都大学ウイルス・再生医科学研究所
世話人 数理生物学分野  望月 敦史(TEL:075-751-4612)