ホーム > SEMINAR / EVENT > 第1308回 【講演1】Post-transcriptional Regulation of the E. coli General Stress Response / 【講演2】A novel ribosome rescue mechanism in Bacillus subtilis
第1308回 【講演1】Post-transcriptional Regulation of the E. coli General Stress Response / 【講演2】A novel ribosome rescue mechanism in Bacillus subtilis
日時: 2019年11月8日(金)【 講演1】13:30~14:50 【 講演2】15:00~15:45
場所: 京都大学 ウイルス再生研2号館(旧ウイルス研本館) 1階 セミナー室 104
演者: (Lecture 1)Susan Gottesman, Ph. D.
Co-chief, Laboratory of Molecular Biology
National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health (NCI/NIH)
(Lecture 2) Shinobu Chiba, Ph. D.
Professor, Faculty of Life Sciences and Institute for Protein Dynamics, Kyoto Sangyo University
演題: 【講演1】Post-transcriptional Regulation of the E. coli
    General Stress Response
【講演2】A novel ribosome rescue mechanism in
Bacillus subtilis


【講演 1】

The general stress response in E. coli allows the bacteria to integrate a large number of stress signals, leading to post-transcriptional up-regulation of the RpoS specialized sigma factor. Induction of RpoS renders cells resistant to many of these stresses, but too much RpoS at the wrong time interferes with cell growth. I will discuss what we know and don’t how about how cells accomplish and coordinate the general stress response, via small RNA-dependent regulation of RpoS translation and anti-adaptors that lead to RpoS stabilization.

(言語:英語   Language: English)

【講演 2】

Translation of mRNAs that lack an in-frame stop codon stalls the ribosomes at the 3’ end. Bacteria have evolved several sophisticated mechanisms to rescue such stalled ribosomes. One of them is a release factor (RF)-dependent ribosome rescue factor, which has been reported previously only for a subset of Gram-negative, b- and g-proteobacteria. Here, we report a novel ribosome rescue factor in Bacillus subtilis, a Gram-positive bacterium. We demonstrate that it rescues the stalled ribosome in an RF-dependent manner, implying that it is the first reported example of the RF-dependent ribosome rescue factor in Gram-positive bacteria. Comparison between independently evolved RF-dependent ribosome rescue factors in Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria reveals intriguing convergent schemes of the ribosome rescue mechanism and gene regulation.

(言語:英語   Language: English)


主 催 京都大学ウイルス・再生医科学研究所
連絡先 生体膜システム分野 秋山 芳展(TEL:075-751-4040)