ホーム > SEMINAR / EVENT > Symmetry Breaking of Biological Cells
Symmetry Breaking of Biological Cells
日時: 2019年12月2日(月)13:30~15:00
場所: 京都大学ウイルス再生研2号館 (旧ウイルス研本館)1階セミナー室(104)
演者: Prof. Frank Jülicher
Max Planck Institut
für Physik komplexer Systeme
Dresden, Germany
演題: Symmetry Breaking of Biological Cells


Living matter is highly dynamic and organizes in complex patterns and spatial structures. A fundamental question in biology is to understand how cells break symmetries. Examples for cell symmetry breaking are cell polarity and cell chirality, which play an important role during the formation of complex organisms. Cell symmetry breaking is often mediated by active dynamical processes. The prototype of such active processes is force generation by motor molecules. Molecular motors are driven by the chemical energy of a fuel. They generate movements and forces on molecular scales. Active force generation gives rise to unconventional mechanical behaviors and spontaneous movements of the gel-like materials inside the cell. I will discuss the basic physics of the generation of flow patterns  in the cell cortex ba active cellular processes. I will show that such flows provide a key mechanism for cellular symmetry breaking that can play a role for the establishment of the main body axes as well as the left-right asymmetry of developing organisms.

(言語:英語 Language: English)


主催 京都大学ウイルス・再生医科学研究所
世話人 数理生物学分野  望月 敦史(TEL:075-751-4612)